
M & E {Logan Utah Children Photographer}

During the summer I don't schedule as many sessions so I can enjoy more time with my family. Between vacations, pool play, and just some good time outdoors I keep pretty busy. With fewer sessions lately, I had time to take pictures of my own kiddos. My little Ella was overdue for pictures. I meant to take them when she was six months old but time got away from me. She was not cooperative the day I took them. Teething has not been easy for her and that day it was really bad. Luckily, Max made up for it during his pictures. He was a champ! It was his best shoot yet.

1 comment:

  1. I have not stopped to look at all the photos you have taken of families, babies, etc. and I am super impressed! You are really good at what you do and what you only took one class?
